Heart Cleaning
You’ve probably heard that God calls Christians to live in obedience to Him. But what does that mean, and what should we do?
Ambassadors for Christ
Ambassadors speak for the one they represent. Their goal is not to serve their own interests, but rather the interests of the one they represent. We’re ambassadors for Christ.
We Are Not Home Yet
The Christian has a lot to look forward to in heaven. But until then, how should we live?
Your Perfect Job!
If you could choose the greatest job in the world, what would it be? Paul answers that question this morning, and shows how each one of us can participate in that work.
Written on Our Hearts
What does it mean that we’re a ‘reference letter for Christ’? Find out what Paul says as he addresses how God’s Spirit works in our heart.
A Compassionate Heart
People – we’ve all been hurt by someone. Whether in the church or personally, how do we deal with someone who causes pain? That’s what Paul addresses in this passage.