Operation Christmas Child 2021

Operation Christmas Child from Samaritan’s Purse has been an ongoing ministry of the Parkerville Baptist Church. Due to all the situations of 2021, we’re going to do it differently this year. You have the choice this year between a real and an online shoebox. Here’s everything you need to know –

Want to pack a real shoebox? Here’s the directions —

How can I get a Shoebox to pack my gift?

           We have preprinted boxes.  Call Bob or Kay at 349-2265 and they will have some ready for you to pick-up at your convenience.  If you can’t pick them up, they will deliver them.  Labels and a donation envelope will also be given to you.

What do I pack in them?

  •            “Wow” item – soccer ball with pump, dolls, stuffed animal, shoes etc.
  •            Toys –  toy cars, jump ropes, yo-yos, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries) etc.
  •            Non-liquid hygiene items – toothbrushes, bar soap, washcloths, combs etc.
  •            School Supplies – pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, coloring and picture books, solar calculators etc.
  •            Accessories – socks, sunglasses, jewelry and watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc.

           Do not include – candy,  toothpaste, gum, used or damaged items, war-related items, seeds, food, liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items or glass containers, aerosol cans.

What else do I need in my box?

           A donation of $9 per box is critical to cover shipping and other project costs.  For easiest processing you can give online, or give by check using the postage paid envelope which you will get at Bob and Kay’s.  You can also use the “Follow Your Box” feature online, you can also discover the destination of your shoebox. If you pay with a check, put it in the envelope and put in the top of your box.  One envelope can be used for one or multiple boxes.

           Remember to pray for the child that will receive your shoebox.  Include a personal note and photo to delight the child.

When is Collection Week?

           November 15 – 22.  Have your box(s) back to the church by Nov. 7.

Want to pack a shoebox online? Here’s the directions — 

Simply click the link below to start building and pay online:


Whichever you choose, remember this —

The kids who receive these gifts will also be introduced to our Savior. Pray for your shoebox and the child who will receive it.